When do I have to attend a seminar?
The Davidson County Family Law Judges have entered a standing order that states in part: “Divorcing parents shall have 60 days from the date of filing the divorce complaint to complete the parenting seminar and file the certificate from the seminar with the Circuit Court Clerk”.
How will the Court know I attended the seminar?
After you complete the Seminar, your provider will give you a certificate and submit a list of participant’s names and clerk’s office. You will need to provide your docket number at registration.
How long are the seminars?
The Parent Education Seminars are 4 hours in duration.
Can I be exempt from the seminar?
It is possible in a few limited circumstances. However, it is highly recommended each parent attend. The information covered at the seminar befefits almost all divorcing parents and most importantly their children.
How much does this seminar cost?
There is no set cost for the seminar. In some judicial districts there will be a number of different seminar providers for a parent to choose from. Each of these providers will have their own fee schedule and some may offer a sliding scale based on the income of the parent.
What if I can’t afford to pay for the seminar?
Upon proof of indigence by a parent, the Court may be able to waive the costs. In the alternative, the costs may be assessed as court costs.
Does my spouse have to attend the Seminar with me?
No, some providers will not allow parents to attend together.